The new album “La Morte del Sole” by FUNGUS FAMILY marks the beginning of a new course after the historic trilogy. The great
novelty is represented by the singing in Italian and by a general hardening of the sound. “La Morte del Sole” is the new way through
which the evolutions of the Fungus Family want to accompany the listener: a new journey, where the lyrics, imbued with
existentialism, show us a new way for the band to communicate, managing to combine Italian metrics and psychedelic
the sound is harder and the words come clear and evoke images that cannot go unnoticed by the listener. Emancipating their prog-
like attitude towards music, they dare and provoke, managing to amaze once again with an album that can be considered the most
beautiful and mature in their over twenty-year history.
On the album, moreover, great guests at the keyboards such as Fabio Cuomo and Agostino Macor.
La Morte del Sole
37 Nani da Giardino
Tutto ciò che Resta
Destino Stabilito
Sei ciò che Hai (Cd only)
Il Vento Divino
La Cavalcata dell’Apocalisse
Lasciami Dormire
Gabbia di Miele
Line Up:
Caio: Batteria, Seconde voci
ZerotheHero: Basso, Atmosfere, Seconde voci
Dorian Deminstrel: Voci, Seconde chitarre
Fuzz Caorsi: Chitarra solista, Seconde voci
Agostino Macor: Organi, Mellotron e onirica
Fabio Cuomo: Pianoforte, Sintetizzatori e spazio
Fabio “Cloud” Colombo: chitarra solista ne “Il Vento Divino”
Phill Foccis: assolo in “Lasciami Dormire”
Roberto “Anello” Ferrino: recitato in “Sei ciò che hai”
La Della: Voce in “Gabbia di Miele”