“EXHIBITION PROG 2”, contains a selection of the most beautiful and impressive performance of the second edition Prog of the Exhibition, the leading Italian progressive festival that draws fans from all over the world and has held in Rome on 21 and 22 October 2011.
After one year from the first memorable edition of the Festival, the Teatro di Roma Tenda Strisce
once more housed some of the biggest names in international progressive scene: the Bolognese
Stereokimono, one of the most intriguing art-rock band of recent years, the Oak, a popular Jethro Tull tribute band with special guest multi-instrumentalist Maartin Allcock member of Jethro Tull from 1989 to 1991.
Saint Just Again: the Neapolitan band of Jenny Sorrenti that on this occasion,
for the first time ever, has a duet with his brother Alan Sorrenti in

Prog Exhibition 2
Prog Exhibition 2