C’è certamente l’esperienza di chi affonda le proprie radici creative nella musica prog degli anni ’70. C’è la ricerca della canzone d’autore, tipica di quegli anni. Ci sono gli arrangiamenti avanguardistici su poetiche sottili ed impegnate. Senza dubbio c’è tutto questo nelle 10 canzoni del nuovo album della REALE ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA.
Artwork e grafica di DANIELE MASSIMI. Il quadro di copertina e’ di LUCIANO REGOLI (cantante della Raccomandata con Ricevuta di Ritorno).
Pagina Facebook della REALE ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA: https://www.facebook.com/RealeAccademiadiMusicaOfficial/
Sito WEB della REALE ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA: http://www.realeaccademiadimusica.it/
“There is certainly the experience of their creative roots arising from the prog music of the ’70s. There is the research for the singer-songwriting skill, typical of those years. There are the avant-garde arrangements with sweet and engaged poetics. No doubt there is all of that in the 10 songs of the new album of the REALE ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA. Two excellent “designers of their instruments” like Pericle Sponzilli and Fabio Liberatori, can not but weave refined sound textures and embroider beautiful melodies for a work that takes us into a current future, along with the beautiful voice of Erika Savastani and the precise rhythm of Andy Bartolucci (on drums) and Fabio Frascini (on bass).
Rock is the leitmotif of this record, making it stand out without sacrificing the beautiful vocal melodies and how the arrangements, personal and unequivocally involving, are chiselled in an almost sartorial way, in a moment in which we witness a general deficiency of sensorrial stimulation…”
The name REALE ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA has been misused for a few years, releasing records and music without the famous trademark, the real ACCADEMIA is now back with a new album: Angeli Mutanti.
The history begins when in September 2014 Guido Bellachioma invited Pericle Sponzilli to his Progressivamente Free Festival and made him play together with L’UOVO DI COLOMBO, the RACCOMANDATA CON RICEVUTA DI RITORNO and JENNY SORRENTI’s SAINT JUST. Pericle Sponzilli is one of the founding members of REALE ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA and was the guitarist as well as the author of the music of the historical album of 1972.
After the experience of the Progressivamente Free Festival, Pericle began to write new music, with progressive roots, but mostly progressive in the mind!
The riffs and melodies of Pericle Sponzilli involved Fabio Liberatori, old fellow n the rock opera “Il Poliedro di Leonardo” of 1989. Fabio Liberatori was also a founding member of the group STADIO, highly appreciated and awarded composer of many soundtracks , most of which are directed by director Carlo Verdone.
Creativity flies high and the two musicians range without constraints, free to go where the heart took them.
The expressive voice of Erika Savastani and the wise rhythmic of Andy Bartolucci and Fabio Fraschini completed the band.
PERICLE SPONZILLI: voce, chitarre http://www.periclesponzilli.com/
FABIO LIBERATORI: tastiere e pianoforte http://www.fabioliberatori.it/
ERIKA SAVASTANI: voce http://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli/musica/2013/09/13/news/deserto_rosso-progresso-66460579/
ANDY BARTOLUCCI: batteria http://www.andybartolucci.com/
FABIO FRASCHINI: basso http://www.rcmc.it/archives/staff/fabio-fraschini
1 – Angeli mutanti (5:50)
2 – Alba (4:44)
3 – Johnny e Adele (4:42)
4 – Cosa nascondono le nuvole (4:23)
5 – The beat goes on (come la canzone) (3:19)
6 – Tempo (5:46)
7 – A dritta San Salvador (4:39)
8 – Una sola immagine (4:41) * brano presente solo su CD
9 – Io sono qui (5:22)
10 – La pista e il miraggio (7:05)