Arriva , come ogni anno, il doppio Dvd che ci racconta le imperdibili performance degli artisti ospiti al Mega Festival di Veruno. Anche quest’anoo la simpatica cittadina novarese ha fornito ospiti illustri che hanno entusiasmato il foltissimo pubblico. Così in questo doppio dvd potremo vedere le incredibili esibizioni di Uriah Heep, Saga, Soft Machine Legacy, Anekdoten, Mystery, Airbag, Special Providence, Frequency Drift, Nemo, Ubi Maior, Syndone, Cheetos Magazine. Quasi 4 ore imperdibili che ci fanno ricordare tre serate indimenticabili.
It comes, like every year, double DVD that tells us the must-see performances of guest artists to Mega Veruno Festival. Even quest’anoo the nice little town of Novara has provided distinguished guests who wowed the large crowd. So in this double DVD we can see the amazing performances by Uriah Heep, Saga, Soft Machine Legacy, Anekdoten, Mystery, Airbag, Special Providence, Frequency Drift, Nemo, Ubi Maior, Syndone, Cheetos Magazine. Nearly 4 captive hours that make us remember three unforgettable evenings.
Ubi Maior – I cancelli del tempo
Special Providence – Kiss from a Glacier/K2/Lazy boy
Mystery – Delusion rain/Shadow of the lake
Uriah heep – Look at yourself/The Law
Cheeto’s Magazine – Naughty boy
Nemo – Coma/revolusion
Airbag – Disconnected
Airbag -Colours
Saga – Don’t be late/On the loose/You’re not alone
Syndone – Qinah/Cielo di fuoco
Frequency drift – Sagittarius A/Memory
Anekdoten – Sad rain/Gravity
Soft machine legacy – Facelift/Last day/kings and queens/Gesolreut