The third album from Sparkle in Grey is full of cinematic suggestions and post-rock atmospheres and it is approachable to some God Speed You Black Emperor! and Labradford.
Between sonic esperiments, echoes of kraut-rock, new wave drifts anc visionary psychedelic temptations, “Mexico” is a CD difficult to define, often with somber tones, characterized by a melancholic violin, guitar and piano spleen, intrusion of trumpet, laptop, samples and bagpipes. A title that means escape and refuge, far from being reassuring, seven songs for nearly an hour, including hallucinating deserts. Journey to the troubled mind!
Terzo disco per gli Sparkle in Grey, impregnato di suggestioni post-rock e atmosfere cinematiche avvicinabili a certi God Speed You Black Emperor! e Labradford.
Tra sperimentazione, echi kraut-rock, visionarie derive new wave e tentazioni psichedeliche, “Mexico” � un lavoro di ardua definizione, spesso dai toni cupi, caratterizzato da un violino malinconico, spleen di chitarre e piano, intrusioni di tromba, laptop, samples e cornamuse. Un titolo che significa fuga e rifugio, tutt’altro che rassicurante, sopratutto sette brani per quasi un’ora, tra allucinazioni desertiche, ciondolanti movenze western e lande sconfinate. Viaggio inquieto per la mente!