This is the debut CD for Chance: Risiko, a quartet from Bologna. They really do not prove their age. Just in their early twenties, they deliver eleven songs very refined, measured, and with great atmosphere. The four musicians take up the thread left dangling by the Art Bears, through a song-format expanded, enhanced by asymmetrical rhythms and rich arrangements. Among the echoes of Robert Wyatt and calm melodies, Chance: Risiko intrigue and fascinate for the intelligence, sense of melody and depth of sound.
Time of Orchids, Pattern is Movement, Wyatt, Zappa, Thinking Plague, Art Bears …
I Chance:Risiko, quartetto bolognese al debutto con Sleep Talking, non dimostrano certo la loro et�. Appena poco pi� che ventenni, sfornano undici canzoni raffinatissime, misurate e di grande atmosfera. I quattro riprendono il filo del discorso lasciato in sospeso dagli Art Bears, attraverso una forma-canzone dilatata, impreziosita da ritmiche asimmetriche e da arrangiamenti ricchi di dettagli. Fra echi di Robert Wyatt e melodie pacate quanto allucinate, i Chance:Risiko incuriosiscono e affascinano per l�intelligenza, il senso della melodia e la profondit� sonora.
Time of Orchids, Pattern is Movement, Wyatt, Zappa, Thinking Plague, Art Bears…